RNA Extraction from Blood

RNAdvance Blood

Extract high-quality RNA from blood collected in PAXgene and other RNA-preservation tubes.

  • Process built on proprietary SPRI paramagnetic bead-based technology
  • Produces high-integrity RNA for NGS and other PCR-based applications
  • Suitable for manual or automated processing

Explore From Blood Models

RNAdvance Blood Workflow Steps

Genomics RNAdvance Blood Workflow

Product Features

RNAdvance Blood isolates RNA from various RNA preservation tubes (e.g. PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes).

High Quality RNA
The RNAdvance Blood isolation kit purifies intact RNA suitable for downstream PCR-based applications.

Flexible and Scalable
Combining RNAdvance Blood chemistry with our Biomek Workstation offers a high throughput and minimal hand-on solution.


Beineke, P., Fitch, K., Tao, H., Elashoff, M. R., Rosenberg, S., Kraus, W. E., . . . PREDICT Investigators. (2012, December 3). A whole blood gene expression-based signature for smoking status. BMC Medical Genomics, 5(58). doi:10.1186/1755-8794-5-58

  • Used to extract RNA from PAXgene-collected blood samples

Allaire, N. E., Bushnell, S. E., Bienkowska, J., Brock, G., & Carulli, J. (2013, January 5). Optimization of a high-throughput whole blood expression profiling methodology and its application to assess the pharmacodynamics of interferon (IFN) beta-1a or polyethylene glycol-conjugated IFN beta-1a in healthy clinical trial subjects. BMC Research Notes, 6(8). doi:10.1186/1756-0500-6-8

  • Used to extract RNA from PAXgene-collected blood samples

Disclaimer: Beckman Coulter makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever express or implied, with respect to this protocol, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability or that the protocol is non-infringing. All warranties are expressly disclaimed. Your use of the method is solely at your own risk, without recourse to Beckman Coulter. Not intended or validated for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions. This protocol is for demonstration only, and is not validated by Beckman Coulter.

Content and Resources

SPRI Methodology Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) technology, uses paramagnetic beads to selectively bind nucleic acids by type and size.
OEM Reagent Kits Flyer: By partnering with us as an OEM supplier to develop your genomic assays, you’re committing to a solution that you and your customers can rely on.
Evaluate Beckman Coulter's Extraction Kits Review this flyer to determine which reagent kit can best support your workflow based on your extraction needs and starting samples.

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